Fixing Bits

Its a new year, but little has changed.
The cars still off the road.

Shed stuff is going slowly, have a bench and a few more tools.

Since another Works owner contacted me on FB I noticed all the image fails on this site – so currently fixing all them.

F5B Bottom End Musings

Piston Rings: 12140:
12140-70B60 (12140-73D00)
– DA41T 550?

Piston: 12111:
12111-73B01-0B0 STD
12111-73B00-025 0.25 OS
12111-73B00-050 0.50 OS

Piston, Pin: 12151:
– Same as CP21S F6A DOHC

Conrod: 12160:

Rod Bearings: 12181:
12181-54A50-0A0 T: 1.5
– Same as CP21S F6A DOHC

Crank Bearings: 12300:
12300-54810-0A0 T: 2.0

Thrust Bearing: 12300A:
12300-78830 T2.5
12300-78830-012  OS: 0.125 T: 2.563 blue
12300-78830-025  OS: 0.25 T: 2.625

1 Car in

One car is in! 3 to go..

And this one was lightest (with wheels) but still was a pain.

Shed Progress

Good news everyone, my shed now has a floor after a short wait.

Decent price by a local mob, should be able to start moving my (lots of) stuff in this weekend.
Be out of space by next week I’m sure