Finally found a engine, thanks to WallyWorld
I’d taken the original F5B apart and looked like it needed new bearings / rings which would have cost way too much.

Finally found a engine, thanks to WallyWorld
I’d taken the original F5B apart and looked like it needed new bearings / rings which would have cost way too much.
Found a NOS (New Old Stock) front combination light on Yahoo Auctions Japan one late night, quick email to Jesse Streeter and eventually won.
Delivered to me for about $100AUD, instead of $240 New
Bought some more parts, this time from Cappuccino Sport (No Longer In Business)
Found a turbo on eBay, old one was seized – though managed to get spinning again eventually.
Some more Suzuki Sport Parts
Update 2012: Suzuki Sport is no longer the same company as when ordered.